
On Sundays we meet together as a whole church family to worship God, hear a message from the Bible and encourage one another.

As part of the service there are groups for babies, pre-schoolers and primary aged children. Please ask for details about Sunday evening and mid-week community groups.


Emmanuel Church Leftwich

In our morning service we sing together, listen to prayers, read from the Bible, and listen to a talk based on it. Songs and Bible readings are displayed on a large screen. Part of the service is devoted to children and, before the main talk, children up to the age of 11 years leave for their own programme or creche. More details below. If you prefer to keep your children in the service, then that isn’t a problem, but we think they will enjoy Sunday Club more! Tea and coffee are served in our café area after the meeting. Parking is available at the rear and side of the church building off Kenmare Bank.


Emmanuel Church Leftwich

This is an informal gathering with a more varied programme which might include: interviews, training, discussion, praying in small groups, celebrating the Lord’s Table, or a guest speaker from another church or Christian organisation.

Please note that we do not typically have an evening service during August.

Children on Sunday

We love children at Emmanuel! They are an important part of our church family life and it is a privilege to have them join us Sunday by Sunday. We try to make church the high point of their week and to do all we can to help them learn about God.

On Sunday mornings our service begins with the whole church together. As parents we understand that bringing children to church can be stressful but please don’t let that put you off! We don’t mind the noise of children in our church gatherings, in fact it’s such a good thing to have families coming together to church that we don’t just put up with the noise but appreciate it as part of our church family life. So, bring the children and sit with them and talk to them about what’s going on and soon they’ll learn and experience what a great place church is to be.

After about 30 minutes the children depart for Creche (0-3 years) and two Sunday Club groups (4-11 years). They sing, play games, make things, and get to grips with what the Bible teaches. Children are collected from their classes by parents at the end of the service.